Saturday, August 20, 2011

Notes from a Small Island

I must try and be better about making my posts more often. Over the past three days I have worked around 40 hours, so between work and homework, I haven't had much time to read anything for pleasure. In fact, I am at work right now, however, for the past half an hour, I have found myself with some time to devote to reading my Bill Bryson book. This time was mostly found because I have decided that, for my own sanity, I cannot do any more school work today.

I am loving this book of his, Notes from a Small Island. It is my first Bryson book, and now I must read all of his others. I already have a desperate desire to live in the United Kingdom for at least some portion of my life, and reading this book is making me wish I could just sell everything and leave tomorrow. He talks about so many oddities of the British, but in a way that makes them totally endearing. His misadventures through the countryside as he walks his way from town to town, make me want to avoid the big cities on my next trip and devote myself entirely to the towns no one has ever heard of. I have found over the last few days, that anytime I have a spare minute or two, no matter how much stress I may feel, if I can simply read a few pages of this book, I am instantly in a better mood, and life seems a tad bit sweeter. I think he may be my new favorite travel writer, but, as I have not yet read very many different authors of that genre, I would appreciate any suggestions anyone might have on who else I should read.

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